Angelina DeWeese | BE FIERCE WITH YOUR COMMITMENTS (Day 9 – Remembering Your Fierce Heart Series)
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BE FIERCE WITH YOUR COMMITMENTS (Day 9 – Remembering Your Fierce Heart Series)

BE FIERCE WITH YOUR COMMITMENTS (Day 9 – Remembering Your Fierce Heart Series)


You and I need to work on something.

Doing what we say we are going to do. Like, no joke!

Let me explain.

It’s that simple. If you tell someone that you are going to do something – do it.

We’ve become accustomed to excuse making. Not holding people to account in order to be “nice”.


Here’s why, because after many times of not doing what you say you”ll do it, no one will trust you.

Even worse, you won’t trust you.

Relationships are built on trust. The ones with others and the one with yourself.

Trust and confidence are what make us FIERCE and we must be fierce to follow our fierce heart when it asks us to jump into something new.

So here it is! Honor your word (do what you say you are going to do) so that you can ROCK YOUR GOALS in 2020 and create connected & thriving relationships.

Take daily actions to honor your word so that as the weeks go by you can trust yourself with bigger and bigger things.

Then other people will trust you too (and hire you, or work with you, or buy from you).

Did you hear about the fierce heart gatherings happening at my house this month? There’s still time to join us!

I’ve never offered anything like this before, Jeremy and I, together in our home in Carmel, CA for 3-days.  GATHERING is something that creates clarity and opens us to new things. Coming together with like minded people who expand your dreams and help you build your faith. The Fierce Heart Gathering is a kinda like a refuel – clarity – creativity – empowerment gas station all-in-one. You will leave empowered, clear, and ready to step into your 2020 plan. Photoshoot included so you also have stunning images to use for marketing.

Jan 22-Jan 26th (more dates on the website)

Find out more here:

Follow me on insta @angelinadeweese or Angelina DeWeese on Facebook.