30 Dec HOW TO TRUST YOUR HEART (Day 5 – Remembering Your Fierce Heart Series)
The biggest question of all. (I think)
How the heck do I trust myself and my hearts whispers?
Spiral down even deeper underneath it all and you’ll most likely find the big whopper;
“Do I trust myself? “
None of us want to admit that we might not trust a part of ourselves. And often the part that we don’t trust is hidden from our view because there are SO many areas where we DO trust ourselves.
I get it. Learning how to trust myself has been a journey, one that I am still on.
With that said, one of the most profound things that has supported me in deepening trust with myself and my own heart was learning Brene’ Brown’s Anatomy of TRUST.
Trust is such a big word. I needed to understand more of WHY ad WHAT exactly I was not trusting myself.
In order to TRUST our fierce hearts we must trust
But what EXACTLY IS TRUST. It’s a big word.
In the video below Brene’ shares that in her data she recorded that TRUST is a bunch of small acts that cause us to either trust someone or not. She uses the acronym BRAVING to share each of the main 7 pieces of trust.
She also delivers the cold hard truth that we can’t give something that we don’t give ourselves. Meaning if find yourself struggling with trust, the first thing is to examine how you treat yourself.
To examine your relationship to trusting yourself, ask the following questions and see which questions you can answer YES to (meaning that you trust yourself in those areas) and which areas you answer say no (meaning that those are areas where you are losing trust for yourself). Maybe think of an area recently where you are not sure if you did/said the right thing.
Did I honor my own boundaries?
Was I reliable/ can I count on myself?
Did I hold myself accountable?
Was I really protective of my stories?
Did I stay in integrity?
Was I judgmental towards myself?
And was I generous with myself/ did I give myself the benefit of the doubt?
Take a moment to watch the video and we will
dive deeper into this on DAY 6!
Brene Brown’s Super Soul Sunday Video
Trust is a big word. How do we TRUST our hearts and the hearts of others? It’s less than 10 minutes. A must watch. |
For now sit with the answers to your questions and to where there my be chips in the foundation of your own self-trust, self-respect, and self-worth.
*If you just started following this is a 12 day series on remembering your fierce heart. You can search the blog to find days 0-4 to catch up!
Follow me on insta @angelinadeweese or Angelina DeWeese on Facebook.