Angelina DeWeese | Client Love
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Client Love

Julie Santiago, Women’s Leadership

Angelina has an ability to hone in on

exactly what you need at the perfect time!

“Coaching with Angelina has been a consistent source of joy and inspiration for me. She has an ability to hone in on exactly what you need at the perfect time. She pushes you, stretches you, strategies with you, encourages you, all the while holding a higher vision for you than you could imagine for yourself. She has a practical business brain mixed with a warm, caring heart that make her a dynamic and powerful coach! I have come to Angelina feeling totally lost, confused and scared to move forward in my business and by the end of every conversation, I have clarity and peace. I wouldn’t be where I am in my business without her guidance.”

Kierston Kirshbaum, dōTERRA Presidential Diamond 

& creator of

I have always felt  empowered and loved by her as my coach.

“I have chosen Angelina as my high level personal & business coach multiple times. Each session that I’ve experienced with her has been completely transformational. Each time we work together I get exactly the missing piece that I needed to move forward with my life and business. She has a sensitive professionalism that cuts right to the core of whatever issue I was creating. She has a way of listening and really hearing what the core of the problem is and then helping me determine how to solve it. I have always felt  empowered and loved by her as my coach. I will definitely hire her again in the future and would highly recommend her for anyone who is looking to up level their own life and business! I’m so grateful to be able to count on her as a coach and friend!”

Dr. Marissa Heisel, Transformational Pathfinder, dōTERRA Blue Diamond Leader & Canadian Founder , Holistic Chiropracter

Angelina is one of the most insightful

coaches I’ve ever worked with.

“Angelina is one of the most insightful coaches I’ve ever worked with. She draws on her intuition, a deep trust in her inner knowing, and her experience to help those she works with to come to a greater understanding of our inner processes and how they are shaping our vision and experiences. She is both calm and joyous, serene and playful. She makes it possible to believe that ease and grace are truly possible in our businesses, even as we reach for lofty goals. Angelina’s empathy and love are ever apparent. It’s been a joy to work directly with her.”

Blue Russ, Intuitive Nourishment

She’s not afraid to call me out when I get off track.

“Angelina is an ideal blend of practical, and intuitive. I have a lot of ideas, which often leave me scattered. Angelina is brilliant at bringing me back to focus, reminding me what’s most important to me, and recommending doable steps that, when I implement, always leave me feeling lighter, and bring me more income! One of my favorite things about Angelina is how she’s not afraid to call me out when I get off track. She does it from a place of so much love, and I feel that. If you are seeking someone to stretch you to live your greatest purpose (even if you’re unclear what that is, or afraid of getting there) hiring Angelina is the best investment you could make.”

Lisa Adelman, Health Coach & Reiki Master, Boston, Mass

Angelina’s coaching was just the dose of clarity

and inspiration I needed.

“Angelina’s coaching was just the dose of clarity and inspiration I needed. Not only did I get clear on my gifts, but also on working with the challenges that come with those gifts. One great thing that came out of it was starting a blog that I’d been thinking about for ages. But much bigger than that was getting clear on what really makes me tick, what I truly believe that I’m here to do.

Joyce Day, doTERRA Diamond and creator of

I was able to uncover things that were sabotaging my

confidence and develop plans for addressing them.

“Five years into my business I found myself in a place of paralysis and was losing confidence in my ability to lead others on my team. I knew mindset issues were behind my struggles. What I love about working with Angelina is that she is truly a skilled coach. She’s not just a counselor who listens to me vent. She’s not just a cheerleader. She can take what starts out as a basic conversation into an exploration into my mindset. Through the sessions I was able to uncover things that were sabotaging my confidence and develop plans for addressing them. I would gladly work with her again!!”

Danielle Bodine Smith,

dōTERRA Presidential Diamond

I have learned so much about myself and how I lead my team.

“Working with Angelina has been like a dream! I am so thankful to the friend that recommended her. For a couple years my husband and I felt stuck in our business so we decided to reach out for some coaching hoping it would help us move forward. I can’t say enough good things about what I experienced with Angelina.I love her heart and authenticity. Because of her coaching I have learned so much about myself and how I lead my team. She has been instrumental in helping me see my blocks as a leader and has provided me some amazing tools and ideas to move past them and to start creating momentum again. Super exciting and well worth it!”

Roxanne Bybee, dōTERRA Presidential
Diamond, Placerville, CA
She helped me get an action plan in place and stick to it.
“Working with Angelina I uncovered many of the reasons why I wasn’t progressing as much as I wanted. She helped me get an action plan in place and stick to it. Priceless private mentorship.”
Amy Madeji, Artist, Teacher, Potter, Health and Wellness Coach Specializing in dōTERRA Essential Oils, St.Louis, MO
Working with Angelina was a heart opening experience.
“It was amazing to be able to take the time to really listen to what was in my heart. Working with Angelina was a heart opening experience. Taking time to reflect on who you are and what you think are all your jumbled goals really puts what you have in your heart into perspective. A lot of times, I believe, we are forced to choose and move ahead in life with our minds and not our heart and soul. With this program, it was amazing to be able to take the time to really listen to what was in my heart. In such a small amount of time I learned so much.”

Brad Toews, dōTERRA Presidential Diamond

& creator of

 To this day, I’m still feeling the effects of her intuitive

guidance and her vulnerable love.

“The best gifts in life are the ones that catch you off guard, bringing you delight and joy without expectations. Ang was one of these pure gifts to me. In wanting to raise the bar for myself as a leader, I joined a year long program in 2017 called “Soul on Fire” that she and Brianne Hovey lead.  I knew about Ang, but didn’t really know who she when the program first started. However, I quickly experienced the loving wisdom of Ang’s heart, seeing the depth of her character and her level of professionalism. To this day, I’m still feeling the effects of her intuitive guidance and her vulnerable love. She has become my beautiful sister and a close friend that I trust and admire. She’s a gift worth opening.”

Patricia Black, Life CoachBrooklyn, New York

Angelina is a truly unique and special person, and she has a natural talent for presenting new and exciting ideas and perspectives that can rock your world!

“Angelina has a natural talent for presenting new and exciting ideas and perspectives that can rock your world. Angelina is an amazing coach and mentor. I’ve never taken any program like this, the content and discoveries I made about myself were unbelievable. Angelina is a truly unique and special person, and she has a natural talent for presenting new and exciting ideas and perspectives that can rock your world! I highly recommend her for anyone looking to clarify their why is this world and all they do, and for learning new ways to peel back the layers of who you really are. Just amazing.”