If you know me well you know that I LOVE to constantly learn and grow. It’s kind of an obsession.
I want to share a story about something that I did not seek out, but instead it hit me smack between the eyes. Like BAM! (I hope it helps you too!)
About a month ago I was at my NIA White Belt Training walking down the street in San Rafael, CA with a woman in my class. We were talking about life and relationships. She was struggling with wanting a community for support on some big life changes that she was making.
This woman is a radio announcer and spends her days reporting on the incomprehensible amount of tragedy that is going on right now in the world. Let’s just say I wanted to sprinkle her with love and goodness.
I kept feeling called to support her in some way. After thinking about it I decided to gift her a ticket to an online program my business partner, Brianne Smith Hovey and I created for leaders.
I shared my idea with her and she immediately said, “I can’t accept.”
Which I already figured she’d say because I could tell that she had an aversion to receiving.
But after she thought about it for a minute she said, “Thank you so much and if you ever need anything for your business I’m great at voice overs.”
It was a sweet moment where I revealed in the wonderful feeling of giving.
In a few minutes I found myself saying something that I’d never said before.
I said, “I love giving. I’m a generous person and I think it’s one of the reasons that people are generous with me. And strangely I win lots of things.”
Over the past couple weeks I’d won a coaching session with an amazing energy healer, $50 worth of Color Street nails, and in the past I’ve literally won all expense paid trips to Costa Rica 2x’s, and a particularly paid trip to Costa Rica 1x.
A friend lent me their car to drive to San Rafael for my NIA training, and other strangers opened their homes to me and gifted me a room in their house. My point being that I am often given many gifts from the universe.
So here’s the part of the story that hit me square in the eyes. Fast forward 2 weeks and I’m sitting in my seat at the doTERRA post convention tour in Monterey, CA. Loving what I’m hearing, in a state of gratitude for my friend who was watching my kids, and hearing more about the new products that were announced at convention.
I said to myself, “I will win something tonight, because I win things.”
And then I said to myself, “What if I declare exactly what I want to win?” This part is new for me. Just recently I unearthed that I had a limiting belief that my needs and desires don’t matter.
Learning this hit me upside the head as well, because I would have told you that I have desires, but after doing the deeper work I realized that I would only ask for so much and then I’d stop.
For fear of being disappointed.
For fear of looking stupid.
For fear of being too much.
For fear of losing my loved ones.
For fear of standing out.
For fear of finding out that I suck.
So here I am sitting in the Embassy Suites saying to myself that I win things and what I’d really love to win was a bottle of the Blue Tansy Essential oil and BAM.
I WON the bottle of Blue Tansy oil. Say what?
I left in a daze. I was excited, but could not believe what just happened. Could it be a coincidence? Or was my mind, my desires, my emotions, my beliefs really that powerful?
You guys I teach this stuff, but this was another level.
The moral of the story is that I’m learning that we must allow ourselves to truly want.
When we know what we want and clear out any limiting beliefs we can impact our results.
Said another way, when we have all parts of ourselves on board, we have the ability to manifest what we focus on.
So this spurred a whole experiment of meditation on the feelings and emotions of my largest desires and the results have been crazy. I’ll share the story of how I manifested this Audi Q7 (yes,I really did) in another post tomorrow. That one is still blowing my mind.
As my final note today, I want to take this opportunity to let you know that the applications are open for the year long Soul On Fire Mastery Program 2018 that I will be personally coaching and leading next year. I have a handful of spots taken, so don’t delay.
I’ve been thinking about who’s a perfect fit for next years program.
Here’s what I’ve come up with;
–>You are perfect for this program if you’ve recently been wanting to learn to lead your business with your intuition and deep soul knowing rather than from any template or forceful-worry place.
–>You are a fit if you want to be a part of a transformational program that will nourish you by being your place of deep healing, a sacred container for your growth, with the perfect amount of stretch and accountability.
–>You are the perfect person if you are ready to rock your business from a place of flow, ease, leverage, and a good dose of magic.
–>You are a perfect fit if you are ready to feel more personal power, confidence, and clear on who you are and what you want. (along with who you want to serve).