As I come out of hibernating, aka “creation land”, and I’m realizing that some people may have no idea what I have been doing for “work” (more like play) for the last 2 years. I’ve been quiet on my personal page. I’ve been creating, creating, and, creating some more.
Life has been cray cray (in a good way) and quite unexpected over the last few years. Saying yes to things that feel good, has lead me to some unexpectedly awesome places.
2 1/2 years ago Brianne Smith Hovey, and I met. It was one of those kind of divine meetings where there is SO much synchronicity that I no other choice but to pay attention. We ended up creating a belief breakthrough company for Network Marketers called Network Marketing On Purpose.
Within the last 2 years we’ve created some badass programs that are now becoming known in the Network Marketing Industry as the programs to do if you want to bust through your limiting beliefs and work on your own shit.
It’s pretty cool, because honestly when we created this company and our programs it was like something divine took us over and we sort of channelled the content. Everything happened fast and things took off.
We’ve lost count of the amount of people who have graduated from our 4-week deep dive program. It’s something well over 2,000. I’m not saying this to brag..I’m awed and amazed because we did not create it with any financial goals in place. There was a need and we filled the need.
We’ve finished our first round of our 12-Week Leadership program for Network Marketers (which was like birthing a few babies at once) in which they become certified to teach an amazingly powerful 8-Week Team training on how to become an Unshakable leader. It’s pretty rad and the graduates are sharing how much it’s changed there lives, their teams, and their incomes.
We have a couple more months left before we complete our year long mastery program. (see the pics below of our retreat in Hawaii. It was such a powerful experience. You will feel it in the photos.)
This Mastery program has won my heart. It’s for 20 people who want to submerge themselves into a year of deep soul work, business acceleration, and a rich community of deep healing.
This first group has touched my heart deeply. They’ve been willing to do the hard work turn into butterflies. I know it’s mushy — but I’m not sure how else to put into words. It’s changed my life as much as it’s changed there’s.
And the even more amazing part is that it’s happening again… The 2018 program is officially open for registration.
Insert happy dance here..cause we are going to costa rica this year :0
If you are curious as to what it would be like to work deeply with me for a year and some serious ass kickers for an entire year then check it out!
I’ll put a link in the comments below. All you’d have to do is fill out the application and I’ll reach out to set up a call.
If you are NOT a network marketer or in direct sales, don’t worry..I’m getting ready to announce something really exciting for you too in a couple weeks!
Photos by Jeremy DeWeese http://www.deweesephotography.com/